gorilla Subheading

Bwindi Mountains N.P.

The stunning views of these incredible mountains are just the start of an adventure. These mountains house an amazing array of creatures, most importantly the endangered mountain gorilla.
These mountains are available to you with Patrick's tours. We recommend that you book in for at least two treks with the gorillas to make sure you get to see them.
Patrick will make bookings in at least 2 locations to ensure your success.

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Gorilla mother with 5 day old infant

We were extremely fortunate to have this female gorilla share her young baby with us. Clearly a proud mother that wanted us to see her youngster. We were able to watch her caring for the baby over an extended time, including some breast feeding.

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Inquisitive creatures

Often the gorillas are interested in what you are doing in their environment and will come closer to you. We are only allowed within 7 metres from the gorillas but they often come closer to us.
This gorilla actually came up and felt the foot of one of our companions, an amazing thrill.

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Clearly the alpha male of this family group this silverback is imensly powerful and yet left alone is completely content with us in his patch of the forest.
Some family groups have more than one silverback but only one is the alpha male.

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